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planning methodology中文是什么意思

用"planning methodology"造句"planning methodology"怎么读"planning methodology" in a sentence


  • 规划方法学


  • Dynamic strategic information systems planning methodology
  • This definition was first introduced by john zachman in the 1980s , while he was developing ibm s information planning methodology
    二十世纪八十年代, john zachman首先提出了该定义,当时他正在研究ibm的信息计划方法。
  • During his time in ibm , as a regular employee , he worked in application development , disciplines of systems management , is architecture , cics application interface , and business systems planning methodology
    在他为ibm效力的时间里,他先后从事过应用程序开发、系统管理规则、 is架构、 cics应用程序接口、业务系统规划方法学( bsp )等工作。
  • On the basis of quality planning methodology research , a quality planning syst em , two - qplan , is established to provide users with quality palnning tools , inte lligent support , documents management and communication functionality lt illustr ated with an application example
用"planning methodology"造句  
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